Frequently asked questions – FAQs

Frequently asked questions – FAQs
Where can I test, get advice on and buy an Agrimac machine?

We have a network of over three hundred official distributors throughout Spain. You can see the geographically represented list in the Map of distributors section of this website. The green symbols represent the official sales outlets. The black symbols show the official repair shops.

You can try out our machines and get information and advice at our sales outlets.

Where can I have my Agrimac machine repaired?

The official distributors provides the after-sales service. In most cases they will repair your machine in their own workshops. In some cases they will forward your machine to a especialized workshop. In the official service section of this website there is a map that shows the locations of our official distributors.

However, in case of an urgency most of especialized workshops in professional machinery works with our brand and spare parts.

How can I obtain a copy of the parts book for my Agrimac machine?

We only issue parts lists to our official distributors. Therefore, you must get in contact with your local distributor to obtain one. On this website there is a map showing location and data contact of all of them.

How can I obtain a copy of the instruction manual for my Agrimac machine?

You can obtain a copy of the instruction manual for your machine in the Instruction Manuals section. You can also ask a distributor to provide it.

How can I buy spare parts?

The spare parts for Agrimac and Agria Hispania machines are available via our authorised distributors. You can see this map to check the one closest to where you live.

Your distributor will order the necessary part and it will be sent to them following the procedure of our service-integrated Quality Assurance Policy.

What are the sale conditions?

The sale conditions are collected in a document of the same name that you can consult on the button on the right. This document collects in twelve points the obligations and commitments of Agria Hispania and the client during the commercial transaction. These are general conditions, that is, those that apply by default in the absence of a specific agreement for a specific purchase.

They refer to the applicable law, the method of payment, the processing of disagreements, etc. In general, they determine the procedure to be followed in the transaction of light machinery.

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